Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Assignment #6 J. Hancock

"Revenge of the Glut" was published in The New York Times and was written by Paul Krugman. This article is directed to the American people that are interested in the Financial crisis that is happening in America. I believe that Mr. Krugman is trying to tell us that were experiencing simiular things that happened during the Great Depression in the 1920's an early 30's.

The reasons why we are going into these financial crisis is because our banks loaning money to other countries and are not selling enough of our American goods. If America cuts down on loaning other countries money and sale a little more of our goods then i believe we can make it through this crisis. I do not believe we are as bad as it was in the Great Depression in the 1920's but i do believe we are geting there. I hope that we can get out of this crisis and that the people in charge fo making all the decissions make the right ones because it will be bad for America if we have another Great Depression.