Friday, March 27, 2009

Steveb Assignment 8

The article was written by Harold Meyerson of the Washington post. The audience is directed towards is the people concerned with the American economy. The article explains that "News Week" stated that "we are all socialist now", Which I do not think this is true. I think it was the only thing the country could do is to inject money into our system to make some sort of recovery. If the government didn't do that all of our banking would by screwed. People are calling it socialism but there was no choice. The article all states that America is moving towards a more regulated competive capitalistic economy. We are very regulated now exspecially if our government jumps in on a company that is going to fall through and just up and buys the whole thing. We are looking towards a country now that now one knows where it will be in 3 years.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Assignment # 8 rmiskelly

Critics of the Obama presidency say that new legislation is changing our government from capitalism into socialism. In reality, though, the stimulus package our president signed is making our private sector more competitive. By injecting money into the public school system and healthcare programs, we are making them more humanized, a characteristic of socialist leadership.

Harold Meyerson of the Washington Post concludes that it was "our own damn system" which "blew up." A more social capitalism seems needed to comb over this mess. In speaking to a conservative audience, Harold maintains that this a worldwide crisis.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Assignment #8 R. Jefferson

"It's not about socialism, it's about rescuing capitalism," was written by Harold Meyerson.  This article is to all Americans.  Meyerson is basically saying lets set our ego's aside and focus on what is going in the United States right now.  We don't need to worry about what party is in office.  Let's work as a nation and making this thing better.  However, I do agree with Meyerson, because clearly capitalism has ruin our nation.  Hopefully President Obama can be successful and change, what needs to be changed.  Because maybe he would have a more social capitalism. In the end we do want this to happen.

Assignment #8 J. Norman

"It's not about socialism, it's about rescuing capitalism" was written by Harold Meyerson of the Washington post. His purpose in writing the article is to voice his opinion on how people are misjudging what Obama is trying to do. He states that he is trying to restore capitalism rather than create a socialist environment. He targets conservatives in the article various times bringing up their views on the Obama Era along with how they reacted to the "socialist" Roosevelt.

Meyerson says that the spending inObama's stimulus plan is not a socialist takeover. It is merely a way to invest more tax dollars into education, research, and development. If Obama is successful in accomplishing his goals we will have a more social capitalism. The capitalism of the past has not been rightfully regulated causing it to "blow itself up". Regulation is what is needed in Meyerson's opinion.

Assignment #8 J.Mikles

Harold Meyerson is an outspoken writer for the Washington Post and several other newspapers and magazines. He has appeared on many t.v. shows and talk radio shows supporting Obama and the decisions that Barrack has made during his presidency.
In his article entitled "It's not about socialism, it's about rescuing capitalism," he makes a sarcastic attempt to defend himself and fellow politicians who are in support of the stimulus package and against the way things were going in Washington. He goes on to explain that Obama didn't wanted to take such drastic steps toward socialism, it is just what he felt needed to be done to fix the problems in our capitalist system and that he only conspirators behind the movement are ourselves.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Assignment #6 S.Lewis

This article was called "Revenge of the Glut" by Paul Krugman of the New York Times. This article was written to show how widespread this crisis is. It also shows how some countries like Ireland, got into the predicament they are in now. This argument was directed toward the american people.
It spoke on the warnings given by Bernake and described the loosey regulated systems of other country's as disasters. The large amount of cash inflows gave some countries a feel of wealth until all assets were lost and they were still looked to for their debt.
The argument that this article is making is that there should be more government regulation in countries. There should not be such wide open and loosely regulated economies.

Assignment #8 BTrigg

"It's not about socialism, it's about rescuing capitalism," is an article located in the Washington post. The article was written by a democratic socialist named Harold Meyerson. The purpose in the article is stated in the title. Meyerson is attempting to explain that what is happening now is not a transition to socialism but a try at rescuing capitalism. Capitalism in our nation has "blown its self up," and needs to be rebuilt and put back together in a different way. Not meaning changing everything about it but some changes are obviously necessary. Capitolism is beginning to adjust into a more regulated, viable capitolism, not transform into socialism. Meyerson claims that as much as he attempted to change capitolism himself, capitolism has fallen on its own. This article is directed towards those interested in the extent of control the government is granted over our nation.