Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Trust In The System?

The article "Radical in the White House" was written by Thomas L. Friedman and published January 20th, 2009 on the New York Times website. I do not agree much with Thomas L. Friedman on this article. Obama does not seem so much of a radical, the US general public is scared to vote for a true radical. I voted for Obama because he seemed the lesser of two evils and I would like to see our health care policies changed and to see Bush's war end. A true radical would not use corporate sponsors, would not create a Myspace page for his campaign, and would not change his views on coal simply to gain votes, those are the very things that are destroying our society and health.

I did not understand Friedman when he used the quote from a Harvard political theorist named Michael J. Sandel basically stating in times of recession we look at the system with hope for them to pull us out but in ordinary times we view the government with suspicion. I always view the government with suspicion they allow mega corporations to capitalize off of slave work, they allow the market to run with no regulation putting tons of people out of jobs. All that was happening before this crisis came to the forefront, only now everyone cares about it because it is affecting their pocket book on a personal level.

I hope this crisis opens up our eyes to realize the real important things in life not the luxuries we think are oh so important. Obama is just another politician whether a black person, a white person, or a purple person. He is just another person with mediocre views.