Friday, January 30, 2009


Thomas L. Friedman wrote in the article for the NY Times, entitled "Radical in the White House." It was inspired by a t-shirt he saw on a street vendor at the inauguration of President Barrack Obama. The home-made t-shirt said, "Mission Accomplished." However, I think if Thomas Friedman made a t-shirt it would say,"One Mission Accomplished...on to the next?" I say this because throughout his article the main thing he is trying to convey is that we must do more. We can not settle with having the first black president. We must break more molds. We must move forward in a big "radical" way and he is hoping that Obama can make these radical changes.
Thomas goes on to explain that we are at the bottom of the hole we dug for ourselves. Now, is the time for radical ideas. What could we lose from trying? Now is the time for president Obama to "Go all in" and "lay it all down the table." This is the time when he can make the biggest impact on the lives of the American people.
Friedman referred to FDR, a democratic president who entered into the same kind of situation Obama is facing today, the Great Depression. Much like Friedman is hoping Obama will do, FDR jumped into the hole with both feet and turned our nation around. Thomas Friedman believes Barrack Obama has the same potential. He hopes Obama can be a "FDR" and be the radical instrument of change we need to turn our nation around.
Thomas L. Friedman is an highly acclaimed writer. He is known for his reports on U.S. domestic policies, Middle Eastern conflicts, and foreign affairs. He is three time Pulitzer Prize winner, a Brandeis and Oxford graduate, and also a Harvard professor. Like most people after the inauguration he was excited and wanted to voice his opinion. Unlike most people Friedman can do it through the NY Times, so of course people are going to read it and maybe even the president himself. Hopefully...