Sunday, January 25, 2009

Critical Thinking

I do think it is the same way with me.  We as human beings are not going to think alike but we will have similar ideas.  Many people have different views or ideas, but we put them together to solve a problem or solution.  Myself, most of the time I do not agree with everything someone says or does but everyone have a different picture of something they may have read or picture of how they understand something.  To help me understand something I might be reading or just listening in a lecture.  I picture myself in that situation and I asked myself, what would you do? or How would you solve the problem.  I think everyone tries to picture thing to make their understanding better.  If someone else is tries to explain how solution to a problem, everyone may listen and have their own ideas, but I believes its better to picture yourself in the shoe of the person that is hinting their ideas to the team or group.  For example, a football team may take a whole day reviewing a game tape for the team their getting ready to play.  Each coach has their own ideas of how they should play the other team to win, but everyone has a different view or a different picture in their head.  What is most important and the point I'm trying to get across is each person is different and does not think alike but at the end of the day the coaches put all their ideas together to form a solution in defeating that team.  We all have to at least try to understand someone else point of view, because it is important.