Friday, January 30, 2009

Assignment #1 M. Cline

The article was written by Thomas L. Friedman, who is a columnist, author, and award- winning American journalist.
The article appeared in print on January 20, 2009, on page A31 of the New York Times, and on the internet on January 21, 2009. The title is “Radical in the White House.”
I believe the article was written because of the T-shirt andto hopefully capture the attention of the American people of all audiences. I also believe the point the editor is trying to make, is that the President can’t correct the errs of our ways by himself and that we all need to sacrifice and work together as a country, regardless of who we are, to put this great country of ours back on the right track. The politics of the past will no longer work in this society. The changes needed, for this country to prosper, will be considered radical decisions.
He also stated that we have come a long way by breaking the barriers of the past, do away with the old prejudices and politics for good. Secrecy is no longer an option. Lets make the changes needed to provide for our country, our future, and our freedom.
In summary, change is needed. Together, a united country will thrive and succeed.