Saturday, January 31, 2009


In the New York Times article “Radical in the White House”, we are told that Obama is the right radical for the job. Thomas L. Friedman, the author, says this is only if Obama is only a straight radical. He is supposed to be like the presidents before him, for example JFK. Hopefully he doesn’t have an affair on his wife. Another example is Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR is one of my favorite presidents. If Obama can create jobs like FDR, then he will definitely be one of the greatest presidents.
Mr. Friedman also says we are in a hole after the Bush Administration. This is true, no way around that argument. He also says Obama’s radical moves will pull us out of the hole. I am not sure if a radical movement could pull us straight out. I believe it could take more than four and maybe eight years till we are out of this “hole”.
I do agree one hundred percent that we need to get back to work on our country. Other then that I don’t really care for Mr. Friedman’s work. Do not get me wrong. He is a great writer for one of, if not, the biggest newspaper publishers in the world. He just seems to sway to the side that Obama is definitely going to pull up America when nothing has happened yet. Sorry street vendor, the mission has only just begun.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Thomas L. Friedman wrote in the article for the NY Times, entitled "Radical in the White House." It was inspired by a t-shirt he saw on a street vendor at the inauguration of President Barrack Obama. The home-made t-shirt said, "Mission Accomplished." However, I think if Thomas Friedman made a t-shirt it would say,"One Mission Accomplished...on to the next?" I say this because throughout his article the main thing he is trying to convey is that we must do more. We can not settle with having the first black president. We must break more molds. We must move forward in a big "radical" way and he is hoping that Obama can make these radical changes.
Thomas goes on to explain that we are at the bottom of the hole we dug for ourselves. Now, is the time for radical ideas. What could we lose from trying? Now is the time for president Obama to "Go all in" and "lay it all down the table." This is the time when he can make the biggest impact on the lives of the American people.
Friedman referred to FDR, a democratic president who entered into the same kind of situation Obama is facing today, the Great Depression. Much like Friedman is hoping Obama will do, FDR jumped into the hole with both feet and turned our nation around. Thomas Friedman believes Barrack Obama has the same potential. He hopes Obama can be a "FDR" and be the radical instrument of change we need to turn our nation around.
Thomas L. Friedman is an highly acclaimed writer. He is known for his reports on U.S. domestic policies, Middle Eastern conflicts, and foreign affairs. He is three time Pulitzer Prize winner, a Brandeis and Oxford graduate, and also a Harvard professor. Like most people after the inauguration he was excited and wanted to voice his opinion. Unlike most people Friedman can do it through the NY Times, so of course people are going to read it and maybe even the president himself. Hopefully...

Assignment #1NOrr

The Article "Radical in the Whitehouse" written by Thomas L Friedhman for the New York Times. Seeing a t-shirt that said "Mission Accomplished" gave him the idea for this article. The article was written to the American audience.

Mr. Friedman is hoping that President Obama make changes that will reboot and revive America, but he can't do it alone we need to do our part also. He also hopes that Obama will put everything on the table(don't try to cover up things). Finally this is Obamas chance to come up with new laws and programs that will help the economy and boots american confidence in our government.

Assignment #1 M. Cline

The article was written by Thomas L. Friedman, who is a columnist, author, and award- winning American journalist.
The article appeared in print on January 20, 2009, on page A31 of the New York Times, and on the internet on January 21, 2009. The title is “Radical in the White House.”
I believe the article was written because of the T-shirt andto hopefully capture the attention of the American people of all audiences. I also believe the point the editor is trying to make, is that the President can’t correct the errs of our ways by himself and that we all need to sacrifice and work together as a country, regardless of who we are, to put this great country of ours back on the right track. The politics of the past will no longer work in this society. The changes needed, for this country to prosper, will be considered radical decisions.
He also stated that we have come a long way by breaking the barriers of the past, do away with the old prejudices and politics for good. Secrecy is no longer an option. Lets make the changes needed to provide for our country, our future, and our freedom.
In summary, change is needed. Together, a united country will thrive and succeed.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Trust In The System?

The article "Radical in the White House" was written by Thomas L. Friedman and published January 20th, 2009 on the New York Times website. I do not agree much with Thomas L. Friedman on this article. Obama does not seem so much of a radical, the US general public is scared to vote for a true radical. I voted for Obama because he seemed the lesser of two evils and I would like to see our health care policies changed and to see Bush's war end. A true radical would not use corporate sponsors, would not create a Myspace page for his campaign, and would not change his views on coal simply to gain votes, those are the very things that are destroying our society and health.

I did not understand Friedman when he used the quote from a Harvard political theorist named Michael J. Sandel basically stating in times of recession we look at the system with hope for them to pull us out but in ordinary times we view the government with suspicion. I always view the government with suspicion they allow mega corporations to capitalize off of slave work, they allow the market to run with no regulation putting tons of people out of jobs. All that was happening before this crisis came to the forefront, only now everyone cares about it because it is affecting their pocket book on a personal level.

I hope this crisis opens up our eyes to realize the real important things in life not the luxuries we think are oh so important. Obama is just another politician whether a black person, a white person, or a purple person. He is just another person with mediocre views.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Assignment #1 T. Sewell

The article "Radical in the Whitehouse" is written by Thomas L. Friedman for the New York Times. Mr. Friedman wrote the article in response to a t-shirt that he saw on a street vendor as he was walking back from the inauguration that said "mission accomplished". While electing a black man as our President is a great start it is hardly “mission accomplished”. Mr. Friedman has a very impressive resume of reporting on political events, although usually from a liberal perspective.

Mr. Friedman is hoping that President Obama will be willing to investigate new and unusual ways of correcting the economic and political mistakes that have caused us to be in the recession that we find ourselves in. This article appears to be directed to the general public and argues that business as usual has obviously led to the current situation.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Critical Thinking

I do think it is the same way with me.  We as human beings are not going to think alike but we will have similar ideas.  Many people have different views or ideas, but we put them together to solve a problem or solution.  Myself, most of the time I do not agree with everything someone says or does but everyone have a different picture of something they may have read or picture of how they understand something.  To help me understand something I might be reading or just listening in a lecture.  I picture myself in that situation and I asked myself, what would you do? or How would you solve the problem.  I think everyone tries to picture thing to make their understanding better.  If someone else is tries to explain how solution to a problem, everyone may listen and have their own ideas, but I believes its better to picture yourself in the shoe of the person that is hinting their ideas to the team or group.  For example, a football team may take a whole day reviewing a game tape for the team their getting ready to play.  Each coach has their own ideas of how they should play the other team to win, but everyone has a different view or a different picture in their head.  What is most important and the point I'm trying to get across is each person is different and does not think alike but at the end of the day the coaches put all their ideas together to form a solution in defeating that team.  We all have to at least try to understand someone else point of view, because it is important.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking is our own personal way of learning how to do things on our own. This is where thinking for ourselves comes in. During this process we are able to think alot more clear and a more vivid picture is painted on our head of any topic. While doing these things, critical thinking allows you to be a bit more independent in your own thoughts, yet at the same time more open minded.
In the process of Critical Thinking during an argument or debate, facts and statistics are sorted out through your head. This allows you to give a strong argument, in a less bias way, that your audience will be able to comprehend. This way they will have a more open mind on your point of views. It is the same way with you. Your mind will be alot more open to the thoughts and opinions of others.